Animal Kingdom VA is a rural facility
Access to our grounds is only available through a gated driveway which will be opened for your scheduled visit date/time. Please DO NOT “drop in” for a visit with our animals without an appointment.
The driveway to the mountain top facility is a one lane gravel road, so make sure your vehicle is suitable for an unpaved road. Animal Kingdom VA is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damages to your vehicle which may be incurred while accessing the facility.
!!PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW GOOGLE FOR DIRECTIONS!!! Use the directions below or find us on Facebook
From US 19North @ Pounding Mill (coming from Claypool Hill)
- Turn left onto Limestone Road/US 637 (PM Quikmart on left)
- Turn left onto Green Mountain Road/ US 699
- Pass Grace Street
- Turn left onto Green Acres Road
- Where Madison Road splits right, stay on Green Acres Road bearing left for Summit Street
- Continue up hill to gated entry on left
- Gate will be unlocked and open
At this point you are entering the facility property.
- a one lane gravel road on the other side of the gate to the right leads to the facility
- Exercise caution while going up the hill, as there is no pullover spot
- Where two cars meet, the one going up must back down to allow the departing vehicle to pass safely
Please park next to the shed at the top of the hill. Thanks!
CONTACT – Please submit any questions to